Journey of an aspiring software craftsman
Fingers on the home row - Mind on the problem - Craft at the workplace

15 November 2020 - Bringing improvements to the Workplace

You watched a really good conference - read a really nice book. It addresses a whole bunch of issues you are witnessing at your workplace. What can you do from that?

03 November 2020 - Workflow Complements

Diagrams. Notes. Checklists. Templates. Snippets. Todolists. Timeboxing. Smaller commits. Macros. The list goes on and on. These help you provide more value. Do you get the best value from them?

02 November 2020 - Mind on the Problem

The mainstream workflow paradigm doesn’t help you remain focused - it is filled with context switching and visual noise. Let’s take a closer look and see if we can find a more efficient paradigm.

28 October 2020 - Vim: the text edition paradigm

Vim. You may have heard about it - it is, after all, ubiquitous. Most people scratch the surface, find it too unintuitive, and walk away. Some others stay, but don’t dig. I dug for you.

27 October 2020 - Fingers on the Home Row

We interact with our tools through typing, pointing/clicking and shortcuts. Here’s a simple challenge: are you able to imagine what going keyboard-only looks like? Let’s confront.

24 October 2020 - My quest for improved craftsmanship

“Good Enough” is often the driving philosophy at the workplace - that’s reasonable. But it also means people who go for “Highest Level of Craft” cannot improve correctly at the workplace.